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Printing info

There were three printing methods that currently been adapted by most of companies, which were the “Screen Printing”, “Letterpress Printing”, and “Lithography Printing”. Usually, we will let customers to choose the printing method as they prefer, but sometimes we will suggest the alternative method for them in order to meet their expectation.

For example, if the customer asks for limited budget, then the letterpress could be the most appropriate one. If the customer asks for UV-resistant, we will suggest the screen printing instead of letterpress or lithography printing. Lithography printing is good in full color printing and long run, so we will not suggest the customer to choose this method if there is only one or two color on its printing content.

Digital Printing


The color of digital printing is like the color of letterpress, and quality is much like a photo, and it can print on many different items.

Applied Field

Digital printing is specialized in short-run color printing, since the short-run color printing in other methods (letterpress, flexo, gravure) is costly, and there is a rising trend of short-run color printing, thus digital printing is getting popular in recent years, and works good for most industry.


The concept of digital printing started from 1993, and it was an idea from several color management companies. The main idea is try to reduce several processes from traditional printing methods, and links the modern computer directly with the printing machine.

The home-used printer has been introduced for many years, but the industrial printer was been introduced in recent years and was not popular among industry due to its high cost.


Screen Printing


The inks of screen printing are very durable; the colors are extremely vivid, and it is the most appropriate methods for outdoor use. Screen printing can easily applied on many substance, from paper, plastic, metal, and etc, thus it is widely been used in many areas.

Applied Field

It is been used in nameplate, button nameplate and labels with larger printing areas.


Basically, the screen printing is the technique that uses silkscreen, squeegee, and inks to make the image transfer to printed materials.

It can be dated from Ancient Chinese Song dynasty, and then the technique was transfer to nearby countries, but it is widely use after 1960s.


Letterpress Printing


The ink of letterpress is bright and transparent; color can be created by mix with two different colors. The production cost and material waste is the lowest when compares with other printing techniques, therefore it is been widely used in simple and single color labels.

Applied Field

Barcode, packing label, masking, mass production labels.


Letterpress printing is another popular printing technique that widely adapted in label printing industry, operator needs a plate (been engraved), and stick it with the printing machine, the machine will put the ink onto the plate, and then the plate will transfer the ink onto the printed materials.

Letterpress printing was invented in 1440s by Johannes Gutenberg, a famous German printer who not only contributed a lot in printing but also stimulate the scientific revolution. The technique he used was composes and locks movable type into the bed of a press, and put inks on it, and presses paper against it to transfer the ink from the type which creates an image on the material surface.


Lithography Printing


The color of lithography printing is vivid and transparent, and color can mix with each other, its quality is much like the photo.

Applied Field

The color of lithography is vivid, so it suitable for many consumer goods, like frozen food industry, beverage industry, cosmetic, and others.


The principle of lithography printing is simple, it based on the concept that water will not mix with oil. For example, the positive part of image will be water repelling, while the negative part of image will be water retaining; therefore when the plate brings the ink and water onto printed surface, the ink will adhesive to the positive part, while the water will take away the negative part.

Lithography was invented by Alois Senefelder in Bohemia in 1796, and has been widely used in present days, most of book, magazine, newspaper was printed by lithography, and some label manufacturer start use the technique to print the label.